Monday, December 5, 2016

Final Reflective Essay

            Be it verbal or nonverbal, communication is part of everyday activity. Engaging in the act of communication will need an encoder (sender), message (content), medium (channel), a decoder (receiver) and in some cases a feedback. This is true with both intercultural and international communication which could be rigged with some biases as a result of certain misconceptions and stereotypes or s simple lack of knowledge of the cultures. Given that such factors affect communication, this essay will try to identify and explain the role of interpersonal, collective and /or institutional discrimination, how our cultural identities are influenced by the choices we make with regards to popular culture and how our attitudes work could lead to intercultural conflicts. Finally, this paper will examine my role as a savvy intercultural communicator as well as the communications nuances/barriers that could exist when two people do not speak the same language.

Identify and explain interpersonal, collective and/or institutional discrimination.
            According to Martin and Nakayama (2014), discrimination is a “behavior that results from stereotyping or prejudice–overt action to exclude, avoid, or distance oneself from other groups” (p.62). Discrimination has been used over the years a means of power especially from someone that could exert some form of influence over others. Discrimination may vary from verbal to subtle nonverbal cues as well as from an interpersonal to a collective/institutional manner. 

            Interpersonal discrimination is more on personal level that is the case with collective discrimination. With interpersonal discrimination, the discrimination act is done by singling out one person or scapegoating them out from a group treating them differently in an often-negative manner. Institutional or collective discrimination as the name suggest has to do with discrimination done to a group. The case of apartheid in South Africa is good example of collective or institutional discrimination (economic, social, health and educational) that was meted on the black by the whites. Other than South Africa, there are some forms of discrimination that are apparent in the US especially with regards to the criminal system. Even though some people may choose to justify their act of discrimination, it still goes a long way attest to the idea that discrimination does exist in every society.
How do the choices we make about popular culture influence the formation of our cultural identity?
            The only permanent thing in life is change and popular cultures do not defy the law of gravity when it comes to this. Popular cultures that existed in the 1990s and 2000s are not necessarily the same that exist now. Given that we tend to be products of our environment, it possible that the choices we make influence our cultural identity.
            The adoption of pop cultures as mainstream live is a common phenomenon. However, not every popular culture is adopted but most American. At the base of every popular culture there must be something appealing to those willing to adopt that particular culture and use them to define their cultural identity. What is more important about the choices we make when adopting a culture is determined by how well that culture fits within our personal lives. There is no doubt that we are being bombarded with a variety of cultures on both TV and especially with rapid growth in social media. However, not everything we see defines our cultural identity. In my opinion it is difficult to have a full appreciation of popular cultures and how these cultures influence our identity without understanding how our cultures relate to popular cultures. Changfu et al (2016) explains that “a different culture and society serves as a mirror which, through self-reflection, literally and figuratively reveals to us who we are and what we are made of” (p.9). This is especially true given that we tend to assume that every culture is similar to ours. Being exposed to popular culture  is the best way to relate with others as well as avoiding some of the nuances that are associated with intercultural communication

How might different attitudes toward work lead to intercultural communication conflicts?
            Most places of work are experiencing increasingly culturally diverse employees. This gives priority to the issue of intercultural communication at work. When individuals of different cultural backgrounds are working together without any knowledge of how each group communicates, there will be a clash of cultures especially with regards to how communication is carried out. Such conflicts in communication may not arise necessarily as a result of a lapse in communication but could be a result of what their job represents to them and their perception of the type of treatment they receive at work. Like Nwogbaga et al (2015) put it, “the emergence, escalation, de-escalation, resolution, and management of conflicts and crisis all depend on the information sent and received, how they are interpreted, and how they are perceived accordingly” (p.33). The perception of a conflict is very important in understanding why some conflicts last longer than others.
            Given the different context individuals regards their jobs, frustrations usually translate in the way communication is carried out. For employers and employees who have not engaged their employees and coworkers respectively with regards to their culture conflicts may be inevitable. Apart from posting anti-discrimination laws, it is also important for each organization to encourage coworkers to get to know each other. Understanding the cultural context people communicate can make the difference in the perception of attitude at work.

Describe your plan to become more interculturally savvy in communication.
            This class has offered me an array skills that are vital when engaging with other people. We live in a culturally diverse country and it is important to treat everyone and their culture with respect. I come from a country whose culture is entirely different from that of most Americans. Initially, I had a hard time understanding how to communicate or even relate to the American culture. Over the years, being open minded and accepting of other cultures has proven to be the best way not only to relate but communicate with others. The resource provided in this class will only be helpful if I apply them in everyday interaction with others. In this regards, I have to be willing to widen my scope about what I read and be willing to engage in conversations about culture with others. Traveling is learning. I have learned a great deal living in the US. I have met people of different cultures in this melting pot of cultures and it important for me to take advantage of this unique opportunity to put into practice all that I have learned.

Is it possible for two people to communicate effectively if they don't speak the same language? How?
            In my opinion, the key word here is “effective”. It is more than possible for two people who do not speak the same language to communicate. However, with regards to the effectiveness of that act of communication, some doubts can be raised. Nonverbal communication forms of communication have been used over the years especially by people who do not share the same language. However, such nonverbal cues may still pose a problem. For instance, the way Italians use their hands to indicate that something is right, correct or perfect is different from how an American will do it. Clearly, if they do not speak the same language, then even the use of such nonverbal cues might place a toll on the effectiveness in communicating with each other.  
            However, there is no doubt two people who do not speak the same language can communicate. According to Phutela (2015), “nonverbal communication  can  become  a  barrier  or  tear  down  barriers  to effective communication” (p.43). There was at least some form of communication between the Indians and the first Europeans to set foot on America. This is also the case with the case with the colonial masters when they first set foot in Africa. There was bound to be some form of communication and understanding. May be the effectiveness of the type of communication is what latter led to the resistance by both the Indians in the US and the Africans in Africa.

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